SeisImager installer
Windows :
SeisImager installer (21.9 mb)
Atom Downloader
Windows :
Atom Downloader installer (2.3 mb)
Geode :
SeisImage/2D : Refraction processing using Geode (13.7 MB)
Geode/Atom :
SeisImager/SW : 1D/2D MASW processing using Geode or Atom (23.8 MB)
Geode :
SeisImager/DH : Downhole processing using Geode (13.7 MB)
Geode/Atom :
GeoPlot : Visualization of 2D cross sections from refraction and 2D MASW (7.5 MB)
Geode/Atom :
Horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (H/V) using Geode or Atom (2.0 MB)
Atom :
Atom Operation Manual : Passive and Active Seismic Surveys using Atom and SeisImager/SW1D (6.6 MB)
Atom :
Active and Passive surface wave methods using Atom for AVS30 investigation (1.8 MB)
Atom-3C :
Horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (H/V) using Atom-3C and SeisImager/SW (657 KB)
Atom-3C :
Horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (H/V) using Atom-3C and SeisImager on mobile devices (4.3 MB)
Atom :
3D ambient noise tomography using Atom and SeisImager/SW3D (2.9 MB)
Atom-3C :
3C SPAC processing using Atom and SeisImager/SW3C (2.9 MB)
Atom-3C :
3D and 3C ambient noise tomography using Atom/Atom-3C and SeisImager/SW3D (1.4 MB)
Geode :
2D SPAC processing using Geode and SeisImager/SW2D (1.4 MB)
Geode :
Crosshole tomography processing using Geode and SeisImager/2D (695 KB)
Geode :
2D MASW (Geode data) processing using SeisImager/SW 2D (1.3 MB)
Atom :
2D MASW (Atom data) processing using SeisImager/SW 2D (616 KB)
Geode/Atom :
Calculate a dispersion curve from multi-shots in 1D MASW (921 KB)
Geode/Atom :
Predict S-wave velocity profile based on deep learning at Kanto, Japan (1.1 MB)
Atom, Geode and SeisImager application examples and presentations
Atom :
Application examples of active and passive surface wave methods and ambient noise tomography (9.8 MB)
Atom and Geode data examples for SeisImager
A. Atom : 3D passive :
data and tutorial (108.5 MB)
B. Atom : 1D active (2 m spacings) and passive (Triangle 10 50 m) :
data and tutorial (19.7 Mb)
C. Atom : 1D passive (L-shape 11 75 m) :
data (22.6 MB)
D. Atom : 1D passive (Triangle 10 50 m with 3C) :
data and tutorial (9.6 Mb)
E. Atom : Horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (H/V or HVSR) :
data and tutorial (1.2 MB)
F. Atom : 2D Passive :
data and tutorial (97.7 MB)
G. Geode : Refraction :
data (0.8 MB)
H. Geode : 1D MASW :
data (0.2 MB)
I. Geode : 2D MASW (variable receiver):
data and tutorial (5.8 MB)
J. Geode : 2D MASW (fixed receiver):
data (1.4 MB)
K. Geode : 1D Passive :
data (7.8 MB)
L. Geode : 1D active and Passive (linear array with 10 ft receiver spacing):
data (14.6 MB)
M. Geode : Downhole (S-wave) :
data (285 KB)
Short course presentations
1 Overview of surface wave methods (2.8 MB)
2 Waveform data processing (1.3 MB)
3 Calculating phase velocities (5.1 MB)
4 Data acquisition (4.3 MB)
5 CMPCC and CMPSPAC (5.4 MB)
6 Data processing using SeisImager (4.8 MB)
7 Inversion and uncertainty (5.8 MB)
8 Application examples (8.0 MB)
Atom-3C :
Horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (H/V) using Atom-3C and SeisImager on mobile devices (4.9 MB)
OhmImager and OhmLog installers
Windows :
OhmImager and OhmLog installer (4.0 MB)
Android :
OhmLog installer (1.6 MB)
H/V processing :
SeisImagerLite installer (103.6 MB)
Map :
SeisImagerMap installer (103.6 MB)
Realtime processing and data upload :
SeisMonitor (1.2 MB)
General interpolation and contouring :
SuperContour (1.2 MB)
3D data visualization :
View3D (2.2 MB)
Atom updater :
Atom firmware (3C) :
Atom 3C firmware(V2.13) (772 KB)
USB driver for Atom data download :
CDM v2.08.30 WHQL Certified (1.9 MB)
WaveEq :
vcomp140.dll (139 KB)
GeoPlot :
JSHIS_DLL.dll (13 KB)
SPACPlus : (13 MB)
SPACPlus :
mfc140u.dll (4752 KB)
Database :
物理探査結果(二次元断面他)のDBへの登録 (3.5 MB)